browser dialogs never
looked so good

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download alertify.js


Customizable look and feel

If you can edit CSS you can customize the look of alertify.js to match your needs

Lightweight, no dependencies

No matter the type of project, if JavaScript is available alertify.js can be used

Growl-like notification

Unobtrusive notification messages can be used to give feedback to users or even as a console.log replacement

Cross-browser and platform

Whether you use a desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device, alertify.js has you covered

Simple API

From callbacks to handle OK and Cancel actions to customizable properties, using alertify.js is very straightforward
Read full documentation

default usage

Default dialogs

					// alert dialog

					// confirm dialog
					alertify.confirm("Message", function (e) {
						if (e) {
							// user clicked "ok"
						} else {
							// user clicked "cancel"

					// prompt dialog
					alertify.prompt("Message", function (e, str) {
						// str is the input text
						if (e) {
							// user clicked "ok"
						} else {
							// user clicked "cancel"
					}, "Default Value");

Default notifications

					// standard notification
					// setting the wait property to 0 will
					// keep the log message until it's clicked
					alertify.log("Notification", type, wait);

					// success notification
					// shorthand for alertify.log("Notification", "success");
					alertify.success("Success notification");

					// error notification
					// shorthand for alertify.log("Notification", "error");
					alertify.error("Error notification");

customizable properties

					// using the `set` method
					alertify.set( ... );


					// time (in ms) before log message hides
					// default: 5000
					alertify.set({ delay: 10000 });
					// log will hide after 10 seconds
					// setting the delay to 0 will leave
					// the log message until it's clicked
					alertify.log("Notification", "", 0);

Button labels

					// custom OK and Cancel label
					// default: OK, Cancel
					alertify.set({ labels: {
						ok     : "Accept",
						cancel : "Deny"
					} });
					// button labels will be "Accept" and "Deny"

Button focus

					// which button receives focus
					// default: OK
					alertify.set({ buttonFocus: "cancel" }); // "none", "ok", "cancel"
					// focus will be given to the cancel button

Button order

					// order of the buttons
					// default: Cancel, OK
					alertify.set({ buttonReverse: true }); // true, false
					// buttons order will be OK, Cancel

custom notification

					// extend log method
					// set it
					alertify.custom = alertify.extend("custom");
					// use it

custom themes

					// bootstrap theme
					// use bootstrap theme CSS
					// themes/alertify.bootstrap.css
					alertify.prompt("message", ...);